At my dad's work he's spent the past few months basically taking care of a male and female goose (as much as I want to call them Ricky and Lucy, it hasn't seemed to catch on so for now we'll call them Mr. and Mrs. Goose). He started off just randomly feeding them some leftover bread, now they're eating Nature's Own bread and drinking fresh Dasani water out of a clean bowl. People come to his work just to visit the geese and he's had more than one person buy him bird seed for the geese. He can whistle and Mr. and Mrs. Goose will come running. A while back, Mr. and Mrs. Goose lost their babies, they will still eggs but we think something ate them. However, although we read online that geese only lay eggs once a year, Mrs. Goose magically laid more eggs. For the entire month or however long it was that Mr. Goose was being a jerk and not letting Mrs. Goose off her nest, my dad thought she was having some kind of fake "pregnancy". Turns out ... there were BABIES!!! Last week I got a phone call for with the news. It's kind of crazy how obsessed the entire Wilson family is becoming with these geese. =)
Now my dad is in charge of an entire flock. He's now feeding all of them bird seed and bread and making sure they have plenty of fresh water. Yesterday we pulled up to see them because I hadn't seen the babies yet and someone let their child TAKE A BABY!!! We pulled up at the moment that the kid was running back into her car stealing one of the baby geese. Why would you ever allow your child to do that? My dad pulled up and maybe not so kindly told the people to give him the baby. The rest of the Goose family was already turning around heading back to the water because they thought there was nothing they could do to save the baby. The kid gave the goosling (I'm pretty sure that' snot the proper term for baby goose) back to my dad and Mr. and Mrs. Goose allowed him to set the baby back on the ground by them and they all as a happy (and traumatized) family waddled back to the water. Hopefully those people aren't coming back any time soon. They stole the baby right from it's parents, it was horrible! =(
We want to put a sign up that says don't touch the geese but we're not sure how to make it water proof without spending lots of money. Hopefully if someone sees a sign they might think twice before touching! But as for now the family is all back together, Mr. and Mrs. Goose and baby geese are happy and the Goose Whisperer (aka my Dad) still remains the "flock leader". Who knows, maybe he'll be building a plane and flying them further south (Fly Away Home) haha but for now here's some pictures of the family!!
On another note, I'm attempting to work my gardening skills. We live in an apartment so right now I only have these mini plants. There are marigolds and ... something else (I'm already starting out as the worst gardner ever) but we'll see how it goes!
Update: Someone (we assume the same people) came back at night and took one of the baby geese. What jerks!