Well it's been a while since I've blogged! That's because I've been in VEGASSSSS!!!!!! It was so much fun! I'll try and post some pictures in the next couple days. However, I just got a new camera and I'm not sure how much I like it. I think I just need to read the directions and figure it out.
Anyway, while we were there we saw the traveling Price is Right show! Sadly Kyle or I never got called down BUT it was still a blast. We got to yell out numbers and prices to the lucky people that did get called. We also saw the amazing Criss Angel Believe show. It's put on my Cirque du Soleil so we knew it would be awesome. They had creepy dancing rabbits, that was by far my favorite part!
This video is not great quality and it's actually at So You Think You Can Dance, but it's one of the same dances and I love love looove it!
Other than those 2 shows we did lots of walking and just looking around in hotels. You can walk around in the same hotel for hours!
On another note ...Tomorrow is my last day of spring break (well besides the weekend) before I have to go back to work. My lovely BFF newgravy and one of our other friends are going to hunt Atlanta for bubble tea!

Next post will hopefully be my list for the week, it's a fun one that newgravy picked out again so I'm looking forward to making it!
Bubble tea tomorrow!! I'm so excited :)