Just too my dog, Jack to a super expensive appointment at the vet. Turns out he has a pulled back muscle meaning he'll be on steroids for the next couple weeks. I didn't know they put pets on steroids but whatever makes him feel better I guess!
On another note, I think I'm wanting to redo my room by my birthday (which isn't until the end of April) but I have no idea what to do!! Here's some fun colorful inspirations:
On another note, I think I'm wanting to redo my room by my birthday (which isn't until the end of April) but I have no idea what to do!! Here's some fun colorful inspirations:

I love these crazy colors!!

I know I'm not redoing a kitchen but these colors are BEAUTIFUL!

Maybe I need a craft or inspiration desk!

I love these colors too!!

So I don't know how I feel about this BUT Jack would be very comfy, especially with his sad injury!
I know my room won't have the opportunity to look like these beautiful rooms probably til i move out but I can always hope!!
O wow, what a great color combos. :) Loooove it!