1. Write in my blog as much as possible, I don't want to say everyday because that's kind of a stretch, but as much as I have time for!
2. Spend more time with my friends, I always want to sleep when I get the opportunity but I can do that later in my life!
3. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week, so far so good.
4. Keep going with my tennis lessons, I've only had one but it was a blast.
5. Enjoy the company of my boyfriend more, I hardly ever see him so the days that I do I want to make GREAT!
6. Keep doing well in school
7. Maybe sell something on Etsy, I don't know what yet but I will figure something out
8. Have a higher batting average for softball, I didn't start out the 1st tournament too well but it was cold, at least that's the excuse I'm using
9. Have more family time, I see my parents a lot but I hardly ever actually spend time with them when I'm at home!
10. Try new recipes, I always complain about eating the same things, so maybe I need to teach myself to cook new stuff!!
Also I'm going to use song titles for all the titles of my blogs, I kind of borrowed the idea from One Tree Hill, they use song titles for every episode so we'll see how it goes!
Other than my list, I'm on spring break!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!
Finally, I need these BEAUTIES from Viva Terra to make me feel springy so anyone that wants to donate to the extremely expensive enamelware please feel free =)

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