Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'll be there for youuuuu ....

In the spirit of my last post about lists I just need to share my love for Friends! I own seasons 1-10, I've watched all 10 seasons straight through almost 3 times plus all the millions of repeats I watch on TV, I DOMINATE Friends Scene It? against ANYONE, sometimes (well a lot) I consider naming my child Emma, and finally any man that wants to propose to me the exact same way Monica and Chandler proposed to each other with the million trillion candles (but minus me proposing to him first) will get a yes! It's a little obsessive really.

I have way too many favorite Friends moments to pick from that I'd want to post videos of. So as hard as it is, I think I'm going to choose the 3 funniest moments (to me anyway) to share! So enjoy ... =)

The One With All the Resolutions
"If the paste matches the pants then you can make yourself a pair of paste pants and she won't know the difference"

The One Where Everybody Finds Out
I don't have a quote, I just like when Ross jumps, it makes me laugh out loud every time!

and finally, my ALL time favorite moment ...

The One With Pheobe's Uterus


  1. hahhaha Shannon, your obsession with Friends is probably the only dorky thing about you. I love it, and I totally cracked up at Ross jumping too :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. haha I'm totally ok with that being the only dorky thing about me!!!
